The Man Who Made

Connor The Man Made Beard Company Owner

Connor (owner & founder)

"I wanted to create a community where confidence is driven, from our products to a simple chat we are a company who cares. Culture is our motivator and brothers are the drivers of our brand message."

Beard With Confidence 

 Empowering others with inner 


Here at Man Made Beard Company, we want to drive confidence through the passion of self care. 

By promoting our Top Quality Man Made Grooming products.

Another mission of ours's is to raise further awareness on the subject of mental health awareness. 

With every purchase, 5% of profits are donated to the charity Mind. 

They are doing a great job and we feel it's only right to give to such a good cause.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email 

A member of the team will be more than happy to assist, Have a great day.

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